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ah! i’ve got you there
这下我可难到你啦  detail>>
cause i got you
因为我已经拥有你  detail>>
i got you
我懂你 我明你  detail>>
i got you babe
我的野蛮师姐 野蛮师姐  detail>>
me i got you
我,我拥有了你  detail>>
but i got something to tell you
但我有话要对你倾诉 但有一件事需向你表白  detail>>
cause i got you babe
因为我已经拥有你,宝贝  detail>>
have i got news for you
我带来的新闻  detail>>
i know you got soul
我知道你有心  detail>>
i’ve got you babe!!!
播种情人  detail>>
i got you (i feel good)
我得到你了  detail>>
every time that i got you near me
每次我都能感觉到你离我很近  detail>>
i know you got a boyfriend-another man
知道你以心有所属  detail>>
i`ve got you under my skin
爱入心坎  detail>>
got to be you
爱你不论代价 放手一搏 痞子把辣妹 求爱行动  detail>>
got you
该怎么形容 骗到你了吧 这感觉该怎麽形容  detail>>
you got
是你  detail>>
you got it
没问题 你得到它了 你明啦 你说对啦 我马上照办  detail>>